Our Mission

To provide access to quality education and career support to students in need, empowering them to reach their full potential and achieve their dreams.

Our Vision

We envision a world where every student has access to the resources and opportunities they need to become the best versions of themselves, regardless of their background. Ultimately, we hope to broaden the education network to bridge systemic societal gaps of inequality.

Founder & Chief Belief Officer

Radha Pareek is a Beachwood High School junior dedicated to enhancing the academic experiences of her peers. She initiated a peer-to-peer learning program in her district that connects high school mentors with middle school students. Radha’s involvement in extracurriculars includes Model United Nations, Science Olympiad, and serving as her school’s Co-Editor in Chief of the literary and arts magazine, Introspect. She also did research at a neuroscience laboratory at Case Western Reserve University over the summer and interns in the Economic Development sector of Beachwood City Hall. As a compassionate global citizen, Radha aspires to broaden her diversified cultural understanding and create innovative platforms that integrate technology, research, and other creative tools to expand the scope of educational networks.

Our Team